Steven Ramusevic

S teve is a financial professional with over 28 years of financial and business experience. Steve was born in Montenegro and moved to New York as a young child, settling down in Queens, New York before moving to Staten Island. He has been married for 25 years to Fran and they have one son – Brendan.  Steve spent many years coaching his son’s baseball team and most often played softball throughout that period. He’s leaned on by his large extended family and tirelessly helps everyone who asks (especially those new to the US). He keeps promising that he will play more golf but that is still to be seen.

Steven Ramusevic, Certified Public AccountantSteve graduated from Baruch College, City University of New York in May 1986 where he earned himself a B.B.A. in Accounting.


Deloitte & Touche from 1986 to 1992. Completed training program, received CPA, and promoted from staff accountant to manager. Clients included Metropolitan Life, Equitable, Ramada Hotels, and Merrill Lynch.

Ramusevic, Cascio & Kaplan, CPAs commenced practice in 1992. Partner in charge of Accounting, Audit, and Review and Compilation Services. Responsibilities include:

– Audit financial statements in accordance with GAAP or other regulatory agencies such as the SEC.
– Prepare monthly accounting records including payroll, general ledgers and financial statements.
– Implement and evaluate internal controls.


American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants